Using joint multivariate analyses of leaf morphology and molecular-genetic markers for taxon identification in three hybridizing European white oak species (Quercus spp.)

We sRellstab et al., 2016a1how that joint multivariate analyses of leaf morphological characters and molecular-genetic markers improve the taxonomic assignment in hybridizing European white oaks. However, model-based approaches using genetic data alone represent straightforward alternatives to laborious, detailed morphological assessments.


In European white oaks, species delimitation is debated because of large overlap of morphological characteristics likely due to hybridization. We tested whether joint multivariate analyses of leaf morphology and molecular markers improve the identification of three oak species (Quercus petraea, Quercus pubescens, Quercus robur) compared to approaches using morphological or genetic variables only. We assessed 13 leaf morphological characters and applied eight nuclear microsatellite markers in almost 1400 trees of 71 oak populations across Switzerland. We performed two multivariate approaches with three variable sets (morphology, genetics, combined) and assessed their performance in separating the taxa. We also compared the taxon assignment to a model-based clustering approach (Structure) based on genetic data alone. A joint use of morphological and genetic variables led to an improved taxon assignment. Whereas Q. robur could clearly be separated from the two other taxa, there was a certain overlap between Q. petraea and Q. pubescens. The Structure clustering led to the same taxon assignment in 85 % of the individuals. It is important to consider both morphological and genetic properties in morphologically similar and hybridizing species. However, it might be more efficient to concentrate only on genetic markers than on time-consuming morphological assessments.

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Rellstab C, Bühler A, Graf R, Folly C, Gugerli F (2016) Using joint multivariate analyses of leaf morphology and molecular-genetic markers for taxon identification in three hybridizing European white oak species (Quercus spp.). Ann For Sci 73:669–679. doi: 10.1007/s13595-016-0552-7.

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